Friday, March 23, 2007

Are You Outta Your Mind?

I was up in the middle of the night last night for no other reason but that my mind was running & I couldn't get it to stop. Ugh. I was thinking about how much I cherish my place as a woman, but that I haven't been enjoying this job for awhile. This is one reason I'm happy to have this blog. It keeps my mind focused on the important issues in life.

See, our battles are waged in our minds.

We need to take control!

There is no other way to win. In this day of technology we willingly pump into our brains way too much info. Whether we're watching tv, listening to the radio or reading, we can (and very often do) keep our minds occupied. Many of us do not even stop to really think. And even more than that, do we ever stop to think about what it is that we are thinking about. This is SO important that we keep a watch on what is going on in our heads. If we don't, we could very well find ourselves in a place that we don't want to be. That is usually the place of BITTERNESS. The Bible says to beware lest a root of bitterness spring up & you fall short of the glory! This starts little by little, but eventually you find yourself filled with an icky feeling inside you and a careless attitude for those around you. I've been there & it's not a nice place to be! If we don't stop to listen to those bazillion thoughts that go through our head throughout the day, we just may let too many slip that could be dangerous in our lives. " husband (fill in the blank here!) NEVER... or Always...blah!" It starts slowly and you may even catch yourself the first few times, but after a little while if you're not careful you may find yourself YELLING at someone in your mind. And, then it's no wonder when you get around them, either you can barely talk because you have SO much to say you're trying to be careful and you don't want to say what you're really feeling OR you spout off about everything that's been on your mind for awhile and this person honestly has No Idea what your problem is! Neither one of these says much for a healthy relationship. Now, if you would have thought reasonably in your mind, you very well could have handled this situation reasonably. So, ladies, one of the MOST feminine things we could possibly do is get a handle on our heads! We want to be women who think carefully and thoughtfully about others. We desire to uplift the situations we are in, be hopeful and loving, not rash and uptight. Am I right? This is an important duty we have. We are the KEEPERS OF OUR HOMES, we need to make sure that we can lead with LOVE. Our homes should be a place of joy, peace and comfort. We, ladies, are the ones that create that atmosphere. And it only happens by taking a hold of the thoughts that run through our mind throughout the day.


Ephesians 4:22-24
...that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

1 comment:

runningtothecross said...

I just wanted to let you know that I did drop by, and now I am able to actually leave a comment. Thanks for reminding us to guard our minds, as well as our hearts. God knows every little thought that enters our brains and we must keep our thoughts pure. Communication is
essential in any relationship and so is honesty but we must keep Christ ever before us.

"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Colossians 4:6
