Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Something's wrong here.

I have learned that when I spend an entire day on the computer: between watching the story from the Virginia gunman unfold, researching fuel sources, perusing blogs & watching a Disney DVD. Something is wrong. Either I need some rest or my expectations are too high & I am trying to avoid them. In this case, it's the latter.

As I looked back at this week I was trying to start too many new habits in my life at once. So, guess what - I am not accomplishing any of them. It's too bad, because I was really amped up for all of them. I honestly thought I would be able to keep up on the bathroom, but that one isn't doing too great. I also used to work specific work each day, so I planned to start that up this week. That's not going anywhere. I also am very anxious (and excited) to organize some areas of my house that keep going through my mind. But, I can't even seem to accomplish that right now.

Sooo, it's time to rethink this week.

What's most important? First off, for my own self dignity I would like to get the play room cleaned. I'd love to get it organized & I'll be thinking on ways to do that while I'm cleaning it, but I don't think the organization of the room will be accomplished today. (maybe a little, we'll see.) That to me is number one. Even if that takes me two days (it's our largest room & it's B A D) I will keep working until that one is done.

I also have been struggling a bit with my time with God for some reason. It's taken me a week to get through two chapters. I pick my Bible up 3 times a day, but I only get a few sentences in before I either fall asleep, get distracted or interrupted. This needs to be a priority as well.

See, when I'm working on a "project" outside of my daily to do's - I get totally focused into that. I can't seem to accomplish any of the regular duties without loosing momentum in that project. So, life kind of goes by the wayside while I work.

Which means, I can't establish habits right now. My heart is to organize. I need to get that done. And, I am NOT one who can set the timer for 15 minutes to organize. I can maintain an area in little increments, but I can't "turn my brain off" when I'm trying to organize a room or work on scheduling/notebooking, etc. That becomes the thrust of my day.

SO, I am going to change the habit in the middle of the week here, to pick my bathroom up once per day. I CAN do that! And, that will keep it at least a little more maintained.

Anyway, I am not going to be checking my emails until late this afternoon after I've accomplished some things around here. Funny, I'm here on the computer to tell you I'm not going to be on the computer. LOL :-)

See though how easily it is to overwhelm yourself. (For me at least) I can't do that to myself. I have to start slow & take it at an easy pace. Yes, I'm anxious to get my home in immaculate order, but it takes time to get there. And, honestly I don't think I'll ever get there - I've got two children to keep up with!

Take it one step at a time. And enjoy the process. Guilt town is not a fun place to live. That's where I felt I was yesterday. I don't need that. I need to just do what I can do, one step then another. Eventually I will get to where I'd like to go. :0)

Oh and don't forget to hug your kids today!!!
Love them while you got them!


Dawn said...

Hi Mercy

I'm also someone who can get overwhelmed by all the things I want to do.

So, I thought I'd go back to the drawing board and look at how I used to set myself goals from my days at work. The best way I found to achieve what I set out to do was to make my goals SMART (Specific: Measurable: Attainable: Realistic: Timely).

This probably all sounds like a lot of jargon, but I know that when I get overwhelmed with tasks, it's normally because my goals are not SMART.

Found this link that may be of use

I'd be interested to hear what you all think.



runningtothecross said...

Thanks for that post, you and I are sooooo alike. I get distracted very easily, or I overdo it and don't get anything done for days.

Right now, I am dealing with the fatigue of pregnancy. When I hit 19 weeks, I literally required an afternoon nap, a LOOOOONG one.

Though our circumstances are different, I get overwhelmed too, and then my brain for organizing shuts off. I get more things done when I am expecting company, than when I am just cleaning for myself. My bathroom floor got covered again and it only took a day!!! My children cleaned there bedroom and brought down all of their dirty laundry, and guess where it went? You guessed it! The FLOOR!!!

Anyway, I'm here to tell you that I'm in the same boat here, and I don't have a small house to blame!

I like your attitude anyway! It has lifted my spirits!
