Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Yesterday I wrote something on my homeschool blog that had me up in the middle of the night convicted to my core. My son & I had a life (and heart) changing conversation, one that could alter his entire walk with God. And, yet as I wrote about it I was more concerned with "the schedule" of our curriculum than I was about the Spirit of God moving in my midst!

There is nothing more important than souls. Nothing. My children's soul is especially important to me. If I put more emphasis on all that I have to do, instead of being attentive to the the spiritual state of affairs around me, I have failed as a servant of the Most High God.

Are we here to serve God or is He here to give us what we want? The question will be answered in our prayers. Are we constantly asking Him for things or are we surrendered on a regular basis, telling Him that we will do anything He asks? (whatever the cost)

If it is the first, we may want to check out our priorities. Check your thought life. Are you constantly thinking only on what needs to be done, or have you set your mind upon the One who will direct you?

Connection is key. We must be connected with God through prayer. As you go about your day, be sure you have the peace of God which is a good sign that you are doing what He has called you to be doing. And lastly, live a life of full forgiveness by being connected with others. We are called to love. Is your heart set free from bitterness? Are you humbled in the way you treat others? Do you seek to correct your part of the problem before blaming?

You may have chaos all around. (those of us with kids understand) But, somehow you must be willing to silence your mind, to be still enough to hear and be aware of the voice of God. As His sheep, we need to listen. And we need to obey.

Matthew 22:37-40
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Very nice post.

I thought of you today-- remember our conversation a while back about Obama? On my main blog I posted a link to a quiz that helps you find a candidate who shares your views. I found it pretty interesting.