Sunday, March 18, 2007

Wonderful Weekend! (and meal planning)

God has blessed me with such a beautiful weekend!! Friday night my children spent the night with their grandparents. What a treat for them! They went swimming and my son rode an ATV (with grandma!). Their friends own one & let them ride it. As they had fun my husband willingly sat with me to plan out our menus!!! Yes, I did just say he helped me plan the meals. AMAZING I know. It's been awhile since we've done that & I'm so glad that we're at it again. Let me explain. God moved sometime at the end of last year & all of a sudden he was willing to help me out in this area! He is a bit picky (or maybe I just don't quite understand his tastes quite yet?) so cooking for him has been such a struggle for me. He likes gormet food, really. And, he makes a mean dish. I, on the otherhand am TERRIBLE in the cooking department. But, I'm home more often (obviously) so it makes more sense for me to do the cooking. However, my brain only works by a well thought out plan. Period! He would come home many times after work (around 7pm or so when I'm beat and ready to get my little munchkins to bed) with a sack full of groceries with a meal he had in his head he wanted me to cook. OH BOY! That was such a struggle for me!! Then, since my brains not working too well (I'm not a night person) I'd mess up the meal and his great idea for a fabulous meal is out the window. ugh. Oh did I pray. And, yes I admit I did beg him for a little different approach. He may have gotten tired of dealing with the situation or it could have been the small checks that showed up unexpectedly, or it very well could have been that a little bug spoke to him about the distress I was having on the situation? I just hope it wasn't my bad attitude that made him change his mind. Hmm... I'm not sure exactly how it happend, but somehow one day he came home and said we were off to Winco to shop & before we went he wanted us to sit together and decide on the meals we'd like to eat that week. I about fell off my chair! But, I wrote as he talked. And that's how our menu planning journey began. It actually became fun. Each Friday we'd go out to eat at a Mexican resturaunt, talk about the meals to make, then go shopping. I won't tell you about how all this took place well into the evening and many times we didn't step into the door until after midnight. Oh wait, I just did. Well, anyway, I did my BEST to make sure I was fufilling my duty once he began to do this with me, because it was such an answered prayer I didn't want to fall short & him not want to do this anymore with me. Eventually I may be able to take over the whole duty (with his approval of the meals of course first. :-D Oh maybe that's just my husband....). But for now, I feel VERY blessed to have my man willing to be this structured. Oh if you only knew what a miracle THAT is!!!

One other thing I want to mention before I go about this beautiful weekend. I got to FLY!! My dad always has wanted to fly planes since he was a young lad. :-D Well, one Christmas I was trying to figure out what to get him when someone told me about these flying lessons for $50. So, we did it. From that time on, he began a journey to become a pilot. And, eventually he bought a plane. Yesterday was the first time I had flown with him & it was so much fun. The beauty of a dream fufilled. How thankful I am that God led me that day to buy those lessons for him. May God bless his life with Eternal Life by the gratitude he has for what God has done. Amen.


runningtothecross said...

Wow!!! Beautifully written! I just realized recently myself how much I am helped with a menu plan. I started about 3 weeks ago. I have had a menu plan in the past (I did a monthly menu)...when I only had a few children and I when I got busy with my fourth child, I stopped planning my menu. I felt that I "didn't have time". But now I realize that I only spent more time moping around the house because there was "nothing" to fix. And now, since I am pregnant and "nothing" sounds good.

But with a menu (I posted it on my blog) I just hop on the computer while I am homeschooling and look at my blog to see what's for dinner. I plan a week at a time, so if I have leftovers from the following week, I can incorporate them into the next weeks meals.

Aren't menu plans just wonderful!!! And what a wonderful husband to help you with the menu!!! God is soooo good!

Have a blessed week!

Mercy said...

Hey Heather,

Thanks so much for adding me to your blogs! :-D I'm VERY honored!! There's only so many out there & it's hard to choose. Even now, I am not able to check in on a regular basis those that I already have listed. I'll check in on you every so often when I get a chance.

Anyway, YES, I love having my meals thought out and planned. I even have to go as far as plan how to prepare it so that I know exactly what to do ahead. I've thought about putting up our menu, but we'll see. I have to make sure we plan to continue to be faithful before I can keep a continual post up.

And, I totally agree about just moping around when you don't have that plan. That's one of my biggest issues. If I don't know what I'm suposed to be doing, I usually am not doing anything very productive.

AND, yes, He' is wonderful.(blush) Thank you. :-D