Friday, April 27, 2007

Been Thinking...

Been thinking about the post HERE that was about keeping our tasks as our focus, instead of lolly gagging all day long, then trying to hurry and get our duties done...

I honestly think part of the problem a lot of us have trying to keep our focus correct is all of these modern conveniences. Women of old did not have a choice whether to keep their focus on their home. They HAD to. Now we've got microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines, etc. and so very easily we can get distracted because taking care of a home has become almost too easy. Don't get me wrong, there is an art to understanding HOW to keep your home clean and I'm still learning, yet, I do think that its almost too simple, that we may think we can put it off, because it sure doesn't take all that long to throw the wash in the washer. Do you see what I'm saying? And, instead, we spend countless hours soaking up all of the information there is out there now a days. Really, even if it's just checking the news, reading a book, checking on a blog or two...we have information overload! That's why I posted THIS post about our thoughts. They can go all over the place sometimes. Usually on whatever we've been pumping into our minds. My point is that we need to place our thoughts on the ways we can bless our home, instead of tearing it down. Neglect because of our own selfish pursuits will tear down our home.

Let's be found faithful to our duties, Ladies.
And, let's start today. Make a meal, homemade(from scratch), just to bless your family. Take your time as you vacuum or mop. Think about what you are doing. Pray as you do it. Ask God to move in those difficult situations you have, He may just surprise you with some great idea on how to make your home work.

Today, build up your home. Meditate upon ways to bless your family. Put your thoughts upon the Lord and think about the job He has given as a special gift to you...

1 comment:

Christ in the Chaos said...

Thanks Mercy I am going to go mop my floor right now :0